CharterSafe Learning
Learning Center FAQ

Who can use The CharterSAFE Learning Center?
The CharterSAFE Learning Center is available to all employees of CharterSAFE’s member schools who have a desire to learn about best practices in human resources, risk management and other topics relevant to reducing risk and keeping California charter schools safe.
How do I obtain my login credentials (username and password)?
If you currently have login credentials for the CharterSAFE main website (www.chartersafe.org), you’re all set! The login credentials for The CharterSAFE Learning Center are the same on both sites. To register for a course on The CharterSAFE Learning Center, please email your School Administrator and request that they enroll you in the course(s) you would like to take.
How do I reset my password?
To reset your password, please click here.
Please click on "Forgot password?" to reset your password.

If you need assistance resetting your password, you can email us at learning@chartersafe.org during normal office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm PT.
How much do courses cost?
They’re free! We are proud to offer courses on The CharterSAFE Learning Center at no cost to CharterSAFE members as part of our commitment to providing you with relevant information that will help make your schools safer and stronger.
How do I sign up for a course?
Your School Administrator is responsible for enrolling school staff in any course, so please contact your School Administrator to request enrollment in any course you wish to take.
Where do I find all the classes I registered for or attended?
You will be able to see all courses you are registered for from the menu bar by clicking "My Dashboard" after you have logged into The CharterSAFE Learning Center. You can open any course by clicking on the course title.
How do I check my progress on a course?
You can access courses you have started, but have not yet completed, see the courses you have completed, and access course certificates from the menu bar by clicking "My Dashboard" after you have logged into The CharterSAFE Learning Center.
How do I access the course materials or handouts for a course?
From the course landing page, you can locate course-specific outlines and resources under the tab titled "Handouts". Some courses will have additional tabs with supplemental resources that are relevant for that course.

How do I obtain my certificate of completion for a course?
Once you complete a course and pass any required quizzes, you will find an option to print your certificate of completion under the “Contents” tab on the course home page.
How do I cancel my registration for a course?
If you need to cancel your registration or you were mistakenly registered for a course, please ask your School Administrator to email learning@chartersafe.org with your name and the course(s) you would like to cancel. We will facilitate your cancellation request.
How do I edit my profile on The CharterSAFE Learning Center?
When you are logged into The CharterSAFE Learning Center, click here to update your profile within the CharterSAFE members only portal. Please note you must be logged in to make any changes to your profile.
Can I obtain continuing education units (CEUs) for participating in and completing a course?
Courses available on The CharterSAFE Learning Center are not currently eligible for any CEU's.
Accessibility/System Requirements
What are the system requirements for courses?
We recommended using a computer with a current version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. For viewing courses, please use a high speed/broadband Internet. Also, please make sure to enable pop-up settings in your internet browser.
Can I access courses using a mobile device or tablet?
While we are making every effort to deliver content over a variety of platforms and browsers, we do not have the ability to test our courses for every combination. As always, we’ll try our best to accommodate you and easily provide content; however, there is no guarantee. Please feel free to contact learning@chartersafe.org if you have difficulty with any course and we will be happy to help you troubleshoot any issues.
How long will I have to access the course(s) after I have registered for them?
Most of our courses are available for a 90-day period from the registration date. If you need to access a course after the 90-day window, please contact your School Administrator to have the course extended. CharterSAFE will only extend a course if requested by a School Administrator.
General Questions/Contact Information
Who do I contact if I need additional assistance with my CharterSAFE Learning Center account?
For additional assistance with your account, email us at learning@Chartersafe.org during our normal office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
How do I make suggestions for future courses?
We welcome feedback and suggestion for future course content. Please email your suggestions to learning@Chartersafe.org.
How does my school become a CharterSAFE Member?
CharterSAFE is a nonprofit risk-sharing pool providing a comprehensive insurance and risk management program to independent charter schools in California. For information on becoming a CharterSAFE member, please click here or email us at info@chartersafe.org.
Access Date | Quiz Result | Score | Actions |
Learning Center
Need Help?
Who do I contact if I need
additional assistance with my
CharterSAFE Learning Center account?
For additional assistance, email us at learning@chartersafe.org
during our normal office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am –5:00 pm.
Take a Tour of
The CharterSAFE Learning Center
Take a Tour HandoutHandout of Take a Tour of The CharterSAFE Learning Center for downloading and printingYou must log in to access content.